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How To Determine Your Skin Type

Read Time: 2 minutes

You can’t begin a journey, unless you know where you are on the map! That is why the most important step in your skincare journey is understanding your skin type. It determines what products you will need to meet your unique skin health needs. When you use the right products for your skin type, it can feel like magical things are happening! But, it’s not magic, it's science! We designed these products just for you!

We have a quick and simple way to determine what type of skin you have from the comfort of your own home! Just wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Wait 30 min to an hour, and just see what your skin does. (It’s really that easy!) After time has passed, pay close attention to how your skin feels and looks. It should easily fall into one of these five categories:

Oily: When you look in the mirror, your skin appears shiny. Usually, this is caused by an excess of sebum or oil in your T-zone, chin, and forehead. You may also notice enlarged pores and are more prone to acne. You may not feel the need for moisturizers or any product that would make you feel more oily. 

Normal: You look in the mirror to find Goldilocks’ skin. Not too oily, not too dry - just right! You have few visible pores or any major skin issues. 

Combination: Your skin can’t seem to make up its mind! We are joking, of course. It appears oily in your T-Zone, but dry on your cheeks. You experience occasional breakouts, and are prone to the appearance of enlarged pores and blackheads. 

Dry/Mature: After cleansing, your skin feels tight and dry. You may notice your skin appears dull,  has an uneven texture, or your fine lines are more apparent. You find your skin craving hydration and you never forget your moisturizer! 

Sensitive: Having sensitive skin is a condition not a skin type. You might find that your skin appears red, feels like it is burning or itching and is easily reactive to products. By following instructions on our labels - or better still booking a skin care consult - you can find the right product to reduce sensitivity and return your skin to its former glamor. 

As a final note, Your skin type can change! Factors such as climate in your area, your diet, and your work environment can all directly affect your skin. Being intentional with your routine daily is the best way to mitigate any changes to your skin type.


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